Monday 6 February 2017

Golden Visit of the Makkah

Islam is the great religion and Islam provide us the opportunity of changing our self. If we are mud, then we can turn into the best and useful thing. I was so upset about my hereafter and slow and steady I turn myself into the light from the dark.  I decide to go for the Umrah with the package of Best 5-star Luxury Hotels Group Umrah Deals in Public Holidays With Luxury Hotels 2017 and I reached best and elegant place of the world. This was the time of repentance and love for my heart and soul. I was out of my mind when I saw the first Kaaba what a great place it is. There are a lot of beneficiaries and best things about the life and what are the lesson of our great prophet Muhammad(PBUH). When I complete the umrah I turn to leave for the Madinah. What a green city, what a peace nothing is like the place of the prophet Muhammad e Mustafa(PBUH). I was sitting near the tomb of the prophet Muhammad e Mustafa(PBUH) and there was a man who is sitting with his great fellows and them are talking about the prophet saying and one of the man he said that if you are involved in sins and you have to leave and you want to turn back then you will  read the Quran and prophet said that everything has polish when it will be bad or dirty but the polish of the heart is remembrance of the great Allah. Then prophet Muhammad e Mustafa(PBUH) said that the best battle for you is a battle which is against yourself. You nafas Is your big enemy and this is the big enemy then the Satan. There is one hadith in the book and its written that If you put your whole trust in Allah and believe him, as you must, He most certainly will satisfy your needs, as He satisfies those of the birds who are hungry but when they go back they are filed with the food. Everything Is on trust.

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